Parkview Elementary School (Van Buren School District) – Success Stories
2019-2020 Parkview Elementary utilized ISEP grant funds to provide the school nurse needed supplies for the Nurses office.
2018-2019 Parkview Elementary School utilized ISEP funds to establish 3 new garden beds. One garden bed for the special education students had lots of plants that students could touch and taste (rosemary, mint) on the spot.
Funds were utilized to repair garden carts and amend the existing soil through the purchase of compost bags, and a tiller to help teachers and students easily maintain the garden. With the addition of the compost and tiller, it has allowed us to change seasons in the garden much easier.
With the garden, the cafeteria was provided lettuce, broccoli and onions to supplement the school lunches.
Students have been seen watering the garden during recess time, and are enthusiastic to check on the garden everyday.
The special education students now have a space where they can more freely experience the garden. They built bean trellises, and have planted flowers, vegetables, and herbs. Students made handmade signs and painted rocks, which allowed them more expression in their own garden space.
The materials provided through the ISEP grant are what have allowed us to increase our harvest rates through not only increased space but soil amendment. We have seen our beds that were previously established increase their yields due to the addition of compost.
We cannot thank ISEP enough for allowing us to increase garden access, knowledge, and interest. This is what it is all about for us.